Profile PictureNiharikaa Kaur Sodhi

12 Hours For Scholarship Deadline |


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Applied for it within 20 minutes after it was announced. Fingers crossed. Hope I get selected

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sathish iam

Hello Niharika, I'm Sathish from Tamil Nadu, India. I'm 23 years old and working in IT industry for past 2 years. I jumped into this by interest of learning and work culture. But for past 1 year I'm feeling I'm misfit. I don't find my interest and passion here. 3 years before I introduced to Online content creation. From that point to till now I'm continuously working in Content creation in YouTube, and in my website. I found myself I'm interested in writing from my childhood itself. So I tried to publish blogs on my website. But I failed 3 years with 3 websites each year. 🥳I love to help people by writing, making video. So I started to write in Medium platform from starting of this year. Yet I don't know the content creation process or startegy write quality content.🥴 I'm having interest to write and even doing it but because of no guidance I lost in between the journey. I'm looking forward to learn from your experience and knowledge in this opportunity. Now I'm consuming content from people who already achieved and doing well (in Medium, LinkedIn Nd Twitter). I can't leave my writing passion bcz it give me relaxation, feeling after writing each article, helping people is awesome feeling. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity. It's an good initiative for the better community 💡 Hopefully 🤞😂

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I applied for it, really excited *fingers crossed*

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Although, I am late, I applied hoping you still have open slots.

[Fixed Errors] Hitting 200K on LinkedIn

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12 Hours Left 🚨

3 Weeks to Go 😉

4 Weeks To Go

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